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ALTCS Phoenix 2024 – 2025


The “Arizona Long-Term Care System” is referred to by its acronym, ALTCS (which is pronounced ALTECS). Arizona Long-Term Care System (ALTCS) is Arizona’s Medicaid Long-Term Care Program that provides low-income seniors (65 years of age or older), and other people with disabilities to afford needed long-term care and medical services.

Once your countable assets are below the ALTCS Asset limit, ALTCS will pay for the necessary medical services so you can continue enjoying a healthy life. Application to the program is required, and the approval process typically takes anywhere from 45 to 90 days. I will explain ALTCS Phoenix in this article.

But wait, note that several legal strategies will allow someone that income and assets are above the limits to qualify for the program. Those that seek the help of a Certified Medicaid Planner™ can still be eligible for the program. I call that “ALTCS for the wealthy and wise!” (see here)

ALTCS is like a long-term care insurance policy where you make regular payments over time; after that, you receive benefits from the insurance policy to pay for needed long-term care.

With ALTCS, your insurance premiums are the taxes you paid your entire life. That is why I say ALTCS is for the impoverished, the wealthy, and the wise.

ALTCS falls under the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), which manages the program under a managed care platform.

ALTCS for Phoenix

Care Funding Solutions is not the official government office for ALTCS Medicaid, but we help guide individuals and families through the application process and locate care for yourself or a loved one, so you do not feel exhausted during the lengthy and complicated application process. We save both your money and precious time!

Steve Dabbs is a Certified Medicaid Planner™ in Phoenix, Arizona, and the founder of Care Funding Solutions, who helps his clients receive Arizona Medicaid long-term care services.

Benefits and Services ALTCS Provides its Recipients

The approved applicants for ALTCS receive have access to the full range of benefits available through the program.

Customers contribute to the total cost, including medical and non-medical benefits! This contribution is called the “Share of Cost” or co-pay. The co-pay is based on their total income minus the “Personal Needs Allowance,” medical insurance premiums and other unreimbursed medical expenses.

The personal needs allowance is for haircuts, personal items, and entertainment.

Medical Benefits

Under the category of medical expenses, ALTCS pays for:

  • visits to the doctor and the hospital
  • drugs prescribed by a doctor
  • urgent dental care
  • medically necessary treatments performed by specialists
  • assorted medicinal supplies
  • financing to pay for required long-term medical equipment
  • Dental care worth $1,000 per year
  • Transportation facility—medical

Non-Medical Benefits

ALTCS offers a comprehensive package of assistance to its deserving citizens. In addition to medical benefits, approved applicants can enjoy the following non-medical assistance:

  • Adult day care
  • In-home nursing care
  • Assistance with chores around the house (laundry, bathing, groceries etc.)
  • Food delivery
  • Self – care / Attendant care
  • Services of immediate and individual response in an emergency
  • Appointments with the physician
  • Respite care
  • Facilities for behavioural care
  • Care coordination services
  • Services for the community transition
  • Home health care services
  • Home modifications (most suitable for the care recipient)

Who Can Apply for ALTCS?

Arizona Citizens, both seniors and those who are 100% disabled.

The state government cares for its older adults!

In general, to be eligible for ALTCS, a person must be a resident of Arizona, be over the age of 65, or have a visible disability, such as being handicapped,.  The level of mental or physical impairment of the resident is another factor that the staff at ALTCS takes into consideration.

Steve Dabbs with her Wife

Steve Dabbs & Cecilia Dabbs


Many applicants fail to qualify because they don’t know how to present their case during the PAS evaluation. Certified Medicaid Planners (CMPs) have seen many similar evaluations and will help prepare you for the assessment. Steve Dabbs is a CMP providing services for ALTCS Phoenix, who can arrange a meeting between the applicant and health care providers to determine what level and sort of care the applicant requires from ALTCS. Before applying for ALTCS benefits, he can assess the applicant’s eligibility.

Care Funding Solutions also has a Registered Nurse that is part of the assessment team when needed.

The Certified Medicaid Planners Steve Dabbs and Cecilia Dabbs who are owners of Care Funding Solutions will be happy to assist you in the overall ALTCS application process which will make it possible to be approved for ALTCS benefits!

Call us for Free ALTCS Phoenix Consultation!

Permanent Disabled/ImpairedPersons

The Arizona government expresses its genuine concern for Arizona citizens who are permanently disabled by extending kind and affectionate care policies!

By including health facilities in ALTCS, the state invites the disabled or people with specific impairments to take advantage of the full range of benefits. On approval, they are provided with the necessary medical equipment they need to cope with their disability. Applicants need to have a requirement for the level of care that is typically offered in a skilled nursing home or an intermediate care facility.To be clear, it is not necessary for them to be receiving that level of care at the present time; all that is required is that they are evaluated by Arizona Medicaid (AHCCCS) and have it determined that they require it.


Wartime Veterans or Their Surviving Spouses

Veterans and their Surviving Spouse must show they have applied for ALTCS when they meet the required criteria.Steve Dabbs is a VA-accredited claims agent and can help fulfill this requirement.

Unlike so many others, he is legally able to help a veteran file a claim. Visit their website, choose Claims Agent and type Dabbs. There you will see that Steve Dabbs is recognised by the Department of Veterans Affairs as a Claims Agent.


Criteria for Applying for ALTCS

A person is only eligible for the ALTCS financial and medical eligibility  if they can demonstrate that they satisfy certain financial and medical requirements. In addition to this, applicants are required to fulfill the following conditions:

  • The applicant must either be a lawful permanent resident of the United States (also known as an LPR) or a qualified immigrant.
  • Arizona residency is required of applicants for this position.
  • Applicants are required to submit an application for each and every other benefit, such as potential VA benefits and Veterans pension benefits.
  • You must be able to demonstrate that you have applied for the Veteran’s Pension with Aid and Attendance benefit if you are either a veteran who served during a time of war or the surviving spouse of a veteran who met the requirements. Because Steve Dabbs, the owner of Care Funding Solutions, is a VA Accredited Claims Agent, in the event that it becomes necessary, He is able to legally prepare, represent, and prosecute a claim on behalf of a veteran or surviving spouse and helps you to be eligible for ALTCS Phoenix
  • To be eligible, applicants must be at least 65 years old or have a disability that is permanent.
  • In the event that the applicant is impaired, they will need to undergo an evaluation by AHCCCS to determine whether or not they are in need of a level of care that can only be provided by skilled nursing homes or other intermediate care facilities.
  • Applicants must demonstrate that they are currently residing in an ALTCS-acceptable type of living arrangement.

In addition to these prerequisites, there are some medical and financial requirements that must be met in order to become an ALTCS recipient.


The Most Reliable and Helpful ALTCS Providers

As getting ALTCS help is a lengthy and complex legal process, one may feel stressed during the entire procedure. It’s not easy for an ordinary person to understand and meet all the legal requirements. That’s why nearly 80% of the applications to apply for ALTCS are rejected because the applicants find it difficult to fulfil the application requirements.

 Hence, their money and time both go to waste. Therefore, it is advised to seek assistance from a skilled Certified Medicaid Planner™ who guides you through every step and makes it simple for you to be approved for ALTCS.

Remember that in order to receive care outside of your home, you are required to stay in an ALTCS-approved facility, such as an approved group home. To avail yourself of services for ALTCS Phoenix, this is a primary requirement that must be satisfied before approval can be given.


These are the following types of approved providers:


Approved Assisted Living Community

Assisted living communities that have a contract with ALTCS will have their medical costs covered by the program. As a result, a variety of privately operated care homes and larger assisted living communities accept ALTCS as a form of payment. Seniors who require daily care and assistance have a wonderful option available to them in the form of assisted living. Residents of communities that offer assisted living receive assistance with the activities of daily living, such as making sure they take their medications, bathe, eat, and use the restroom, among other things.

Approved Memory Care Facilities

Whether your loved one needs help with ADLs or has dementia or Alzheimer’s, ALTCS  provides compassionate, safe, resident-centered care. Our programs satisfy residents’ physical, emotional, and spiritual needs 24/7.

Before a resident moves in, a personalised care plan is built. When needed, care plans are modified.


Approved Nursing Home Facilities

There are some residents with care requirements that are beyond the capacity of even the largest assisted living facility to meet. Because of this, nursing home facilities are an excellent choice for many patients who are enrolled in ALTCS.


ALTCS Eligibility

People over the age of 65 and people with disabilities who require long-term care are eligible for assistance through the Arizona Long Term Care Programme. The application can be broken down into two distinct parts;


Financial Assessment– The first step is an evaluation of the applicant’s financial situation to determine whether or not they have the means to pay for the necessary medical care on their own. To determine whether or not you are eligible for this program, we will gladly go over the specifics of your financial situation.


Medical Assessment– This is the second part of the process, and it is what determines whether or not a person actually requires long-term care. Points are used to determine total need, and an application is considered successful if it scores 60 points or higher.

Financial Criteria

Income Limit:

The maximum monthly income for Arizona residents is 300% of the Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) for SSI. As a result, single candidates cannot own more than $2,742 in gross monthly income as of 2023. Married applicants who are also requesting services must have a combined monthly income of no more than $5,484. 


The 2023 income limits have not been officially posted yet but since Social Security increase was 8.7% the 2023 ALTCS Income Limit will go to $2,743 per month.


Don’t worry if your income is above that figure see Income Only Trust or Arizona Miller Trust below.


For Non-Applicant Spouse

Arizona adheres to a unique set of regulations to safeguard the financial stability of a healthy spouse, also known as the community spouse, well spouse, or non-applicant spouse, when their spouse requires long-term care. This means that the state will allow a spouse who is applying to transfer income to a spouse who is not applying. Although Arizona refers to it as a community spouse monthly income allowance, it is more commonly known as a monthly maintenance needs allowance (CSMIA). This spousal allowance guards against the non-applicant spouse having insufficient funds to support themselves. In order to raise his or her monthly income to this amount beginning in 2023, an applicant spouse may transfer up to $3,715 in income to his or her non-applicant spouse.

For Applicants With Income Above the Required Limit
Arizona Miller Trust – Income Only Trust

ALTCS is a funding program for the smart. If your income exceeds the standards set by ALTCS, you can still qualify for ALTCS benefits. Before being eligible for the ALTCS benefit when their income is too high, a person must set up a Miller Trust, a Qualified Income Trust, or an Income Only Trust. Miller Trusts are a way to minimise one’s income so they can be eligible for government benefits; they do not deal with assets.

The very first step is to create a Miller trust or an Income Only Trust. The trust document must be written in order to create the trust. A competent lawyer or document preparation service like Legal Document Solutions can prepare the document. Later on, a bank account for an income-only trust will be opened using this trust. People who earn more than the ALTCS income limit are now eligible for state payments thanks to the trust.

Cecilia Dabbs, the owner of Legal Document Solutions, LLC, can help you prepare all the legal documents required for the Miller Trust to apply for ALTCS Phoenix. He is a certified Medicaid planner and has been serving the community for over 35 years. Using his expertise and experience, he helps his clients go through every step of the process without any difficulty!

Asset Limit

Arizona has a $2,000 asset ceiling for applicants who are single; when the applicant and his or her spouse are applying, the threshold rises to $3,000 per applicant. The asset restrictions, however, only cover “countable assets.” Homes (as long as the applicant’s equity interest is under $688,000 and the applicant lives in it OR a non-applicant spouse resides in it), primary vehicles, and burial plots are other assets that are exempt. Checking and savings accounts, dwellings other than the primary residence of the applicant, certificates of deposit, stocks, and bonds are a few examples of assets that are regarded as countable.

Medical Criteria

An applicant must first go through a medical examination known as the ALTCS Pre-Admission Screening in order to meet the ALTCS Medical Requirements (PAS). To be eligible medically, you must receive a score of at least 60.

Pre-Admission Screening

  • Gathering and sending a set of documents to the assessor is the first stage in the PAS procedure. The information provided must include identification documentation, evidence of age and birthdate, current housing situation, and ALTCS form DE-202 medical information (from the applicant’s doctor).
  • After evaluating the biographical data, the assessor will conduct an in-person or telephone medical evaluation to determine the applicant’s medical condition and care requirements. An in-depth account of the applicant’s health will be gathered by the assessor. The applicant’s regular doctors’ reports are carefully examined.
  • The PAS assessor will need to know the applicant’s symptoms on his or her worst days in order to determine whether the applicant needs nursing home care. The assessor will detail the applicant’s medical issues and provide critical medical records to support the applicant’s claims.

Medically Assessed Conditions:

The Basic Formula used to figure out ALTCS patient care needs.


The assessor will evaluate the applicant’s bladder and bowel control. If not, they’ll analyse the severity of bladder or bowel incontinence.


Behaviour is part of the applicant’s mental and emotional evaluation. Disruptive or aggressive? Is the applicant at risk of self- or others-injury? Does the applicant have dementia?

Required Help

For the elderly and others with physical limitations, even the simplest tasks can be stressful. “Activities of Daily Living” will be tested in the PAS (ADLs). ADLs include bathing, grooming, dressing, transferring, and eating. Each can get 15 points toward the required 60.These are “ADLs” ADLs: bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, and eating. Each can add 15 points to the requisite 60.

Cognitive Orientation
  • The assessor will check the applicant’s surroundings. Can the candidate talk to helpers? Recognize loved ones, family, friends, etc. Do they know the date and time?
  • Based on these questions, the assessor will evaluate the applicant’s mental capacity and orientation. The assessor interviews caregivers to further assess cognitive abilities. Medical evaluations evaluate emotional and sensory health. A neurologist’s dementia diagnosis earns 20 points.
  • The assessor will consider these factors to determine if the applicant needs nursing home care. After a complete medical evaluation, a score of 60 or more is required for ALTCS approval.

Steve Dabbs-The Owner of Care Funding Solutions

For ALTCS Phoenix, you can find Care Funding Solutions as your best choice while searching for ALTCS providers. Steve Dabbs has worked in the field of Medicaid planning for over 15 years and is a Certified Medicaid Planner in Arizona. He has assisted a significant number of people in becoming qualified for ALTCS.

Attempting to fulfill all of the ALTCS requirements is a difficult task. More than seventy-nine percent of applicants are rejected due to relatively easy fix errors; therefore, getting professional assistance is something you should consider seriously. The application process for ALTCS is very complicated; however, Steve Dabbs can assist you in becoming qualified for ALTCS by providing you with his professional Value-Added Services, which will save you both time and money. His experience helps his clients to pass through all steps required for the procedure easily.

Call us for Free ALTCS Phoenix Consultation!

Steve Dabbs

Steve Dabbs is a Certified Medicaid Planner™, a VA Accredited Claims, accredited by the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, and an Accredited Investment Fiduciary®. He helps people to apply and qualify for ALTCS Arizona Long-Term Care and VA Aid and Attendance Benefits.

Applying for ALTCS or VA Aid and Attendance benefits can be complicated, but Steve Dabbs can save your Time and Money by reducing delays and claims denials.

He is a Fiduciary, so as a Fiduciary, he must do what is in the best interest of his Clients.